
BC Trip - Travel Photography

Mirror less for the win.

It's been quite a while since I wrote a blog post.  I think I have a bit of catching up to do.  Actually quite a lot.  This is the second big trip that I've done with only mirror less cameras.  This time the bag contained three cameras, two Sony NEX models and one Fuji X-Pro1.  With all the lenses and other essentials it weighed less than if I packed my DSLRs.  So for walking around Vancouver, and then Vancouver Island, this was a perfect setup.  I will have to add that my wife was carrying all the heavy stuff, and her pictures from the BC Trip are absolutely wonderful.  So we dumped the kiddos on our friends, wonderful parents that we are, and headed out to the ocean.

The first day

Our first day constituted of trampling around parks, forests, and big hills.  I was glad I did not have my heavy DSLRs with me.  It was a tough day, but lots of opportunities for great photos.  The Sony wide angle lens came into play most often, as the trees were so tall, that anything else would not be able to fit them into the frame.  Enjoy!
