Aurora, Fuji, Sony and Fish-Eye - Alberta Photography

Aurora, Northern Lights, what ever you like to call it, is quite a beautiful sight, if you manage to catch it.  Not only our Sun should be having an angry fit, spouting radiation into space in a fit of rage, but the sky, here on earth, should be preferably cloudless.  It is also hard to predict.  If you want to photograph this phenomenon it's best to go out early enough, find a pleasing location before it gets fully dark.  Bring a sandwich, hot tea, and settle down for the wait.  Or you can be like us. See it, grab the cameras, and hope for the best.  Trust me, our way is not a very good way, since you will miss most of the light show.

Photographing the Aurora, is relatively easy.  Tripod, wide angle lens, possibly a remote shutter cord, and patience.  I use a manual fish-eye lens on my Fuji X-T1.  I set it to infinity focus, wide open, and set the camera to bulb mode.  Then press the trigger and time my shots.  Depending on the brightness of the event the exposures are 15-20 sec.  Kasia uses her Sony NEX camera in the same fashion. 

The most important thing you can do to capture compelling images of the Northern Lights is planning.  If you are like us, and run out the door with half the things forgotten, you might be in for a frustrating evening, with the dancing light in the sky mocking you.