It's Finally Here!

This year, spring has been very slow to arrive.  Two snow storms and gloomy skies and rains during April and nothing in nature was moving until the arrival of May. I was so very happy to see the buds finally starting to open up and wasn't able to resist taking some macro gear and starting on the pictures.  The color is finally there, though, at the beginning one had to look very closely to find it.  It is getting better now with some tulips blooming, forsythia yellowing here and there and dandelions starting to grace the lawns (I know, I know, pesky weeds, but I so love their appearance this time of year, since it signifies that spring is finally here to stay). For the rest of the world these images are an old news, for us, here on the Alberta prairies these are very welcome, I imagine. Regardless, though, I hope you will all enjoy these.  For me, there is nothing more appealing and fresh than the first signs of spring!
