Old Town Warsaw - Poland with Fuji

It is time to say good-bye to Poland as well... My last evening there was spent wandering all over the Old Town in Warsaw with one of my best friends.  I love that place! I love its atmosphere and energy and its architecture.  I am very grateful for the fact that it has been beautifully restored after the damages during WWII for it would have been a tremendous loss if all that was gone...  It's been almost a decade since I've visited last time and it was such a pleasure to spend several hours walking, talking and taking tons of pictures. From just before sunset, through the blue hour, into the dead of night there was something to shoot, pretty much, everywhere.  I have not taken my tripod with me, so, as the light was fading I had to find more and more creative ways to stabilize the camera, without switching to higher ISO every few minutes.  I think, I did pretty well, all things considered. Once again, I was quite satisfied with Fuji's performance. Through the whole trip and difficult conditions (wet, cold and windy Skye, darkness of the Salt Mine in Wieliczka, rain in Cracaw..) it worked well and did not cause much trouble. The only thing I would do differently the next time I go for such an adventure, is to make sure I have wet sensor cleaning kit with me, so that I can deal with spots on camera sensor right away. With lenses being changed as often as it was happening during this trip, I ended up having to do more during post processing to clean up the spots, that I am happy with. Thank goodness for spot healing brush in PS!! ;D

Going back to that great evening I must also thank my friend, who was patiently accompanying me , after a full day of work, being dragged by me all over the place.  Agnieszka, you are amazing!! ;D

And, with that, I am saying good-bye to Europe and to all the beautiful places that I have seen, thanks to Adam (thanks again for all that you have done!!) and my brother Piotr, who went with me pretty much everywhere and, without whom, I would not have as many nice shots from Wieliczka (since he was the one that carried the tripod and took all the long exposure shots there, while I was running interference with all the guides that were chasing us away ;D).  It was great fun and I will miss you all!
