Storm at Elk Island

The other day, I wanted to try to photograph the well known Perseids meteor shower, which usually occurs at the end of August.  Unfortunately there were a lot of cloudy and rainy days, and I had a fear that I might miss it.  Then one day, the skies cleared up, so I grabbed by gear, and headed to Elk Island National Park. Stars and Clouds

Knowing my luck, or lack of it, the clouds started rolling in just as the first stars showed up.  At first they were wispy and light, but soon enough they started gathering in strength.

Gathering Clouds

Suddenly in the far distance I've noticed some flashes.  Storm was coming.  Oh what luck.  To actually be ahead of a large storm.  Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get some nice lightning pictures.  I quickly changed my view point, and waited.  Within an hour the storm was close enough to show off a fantastic light show, but far enough that it didn't rain.  I was giddy as a kid at Christmas. Enjoy!





