Roads in Between - Travel Photography

When you set up on a trip, you never know what kind of weather you encounter. This summer, we were, mostly, spared the rain but, quite often, were forced to drive through a hazy world, due to smoke being blown to our province from BC fires.  At times, though, the haze lifted, giving us a clear view of the surrounding world. Driving for hundreds kilometers, you can see lots of different types on landscapes, especially, if you are moving east from the Rocky Mountains towards central parts of southern Alberta. From hills partially obscuring the Rockies, to the very flat prairies, there is always something interesting to see. This time we were lucky to encounter pronghorns.  I've lived in Alberta for many years and, though I've heard about them, I've never been able to see any of them before.  This time we have seen 3 of them. Quite curious creatures, they were staring at us, as much as we were staring at them, when we stopped to take a couple of pictures. Mind you, we were far enough from them, not to pose a threat  ;D Here is a few of the pictures, I have taken while we were on our way from waterton National Park to Drumheller and, farther still, from Drumheller to Calgary, showing my family, as much of southern Alberta, as we could fit within time we were given...
