
Apple iPad

Well the iPad is an absolutely amazing little device. Since the time in the hospital I've been using it to work, edit pictures, blog, play games...etc. Yes you saw that right, edit pictures. I have found this awesome application for the iPad called "Photo fx Ultra". It can add all kinds of different effects to your photos, with a lot of settings. Using my iPhone, I can transfer the photos via another app to the iPad, then edit the photos to my liking and using "Blogpress" app I can post all of this to my blog. Yes I can do all that with a laptop, but the cheapest Macintosh laptop is about $1000, and the iPad is about half the price, also it's smaller, has an amazing touch screen, and the battery lasts almost forever. It is definitely like a little laptop replacement, with amazing features. Here are some shots taken with the iPhone then edited on the iPad. Enjoy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad